Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL Приложения

Redescopera Romania 1.6
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
With Redescopera Romania App one can find themost beautiful destinations and tourist attractions of the country.Wherever you are you can access our database of places worthseeing, a database that rises continuously with the help of ourusers. One can definitely find a place to see after using the appto its full potential.Nearby placesHelps you find the most interesting places nearby. From one tap theapp shows you places around, that you can sort based on 11 types oftourist attractions.Create routeUsing this function you can find places worth seeing on your way toother cities. Never have a dull ride again!SearchFind a certain place or search after a key-word in the app. You canfilter depending on the type of destination and how close it is toyou.NotificationsThe @ladruminromania Twitter account keeps you up to date with roadinformation and recommended places.La DrumMark the places where you were, where you want to go and keep themin one place. If there is a place you have discovered and youcannot find it in the app add it so other users can enjoy it aswell.InfoThe app is available in Romanian and English. One can connect withits Facebook account for an easy access.
Orasul Meu 3.1.7
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Orasul Meu – – is a mobileguide for Bucharest and other big cities around the county. You cancheck around the clock which events or places are nearby, where areyour friends, who shares the same tastes. And in case you knoweverything and you just want to go have fun, no matter what youchoose for getting there – subway, car, bus or cab – the app easesup paying tickets or parking, paying the rovignette or calling acab!Orasul Meu, functionality and numbers:- 32.000 places and 1.500 events added monthly, in Bucharest, bigcities around the country, around Valea Prahovei and at theseaside.- Hot in the City, best places, events and offers, updateddaily- In Jurul Meureveals the closest locations and events- Possiblity to pay for subway, bus, parking, rovignette or call acab- Search result delivered as a list or on a map, based on GPS- Advanced search engine and flexible results based on theavailable filters.- The easiest way for finding events in the city- A list with favourite places- Easy access to the closests ATMs, bus stations and ticketscenteres- Possibility to check-in, allows you to easily find your friendsand allows them to easily find you.- All places and events liked by your friends and the ones wherethey are present.- Ratings, comments and photos for the places in town.- Connect with Facebook, share on Facebook and TwitterIf you need any more information or you like planning ahead oftime, you can find us on . Let’s paint the townred!!!Disclaimer!!The app developers do not make any profit from the paymentservicess offered by third parties. The app’s only purpose relatingthese is facilitating the acces of users to subway paying, bus,rovinietta, parking or cab calling.
Samsung Live Smart 365 3.0.11
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Live Smart 365Live Smart 365 este o aplicatie Samsung ce promoveaza folosireatehnologiei smart in viata de zi cu zi.Aplicatia contine 365 de sfaturi de utilizare a tehnologiei smart,cu ajutorul carora utilizatorii descopera utilitatea device-urilorSamsung. Sfaturile acopera cele 365 de zile ale anului, impartitecalendaristic in 4 categorii si ofera si informatii despreprodusele Samsung complementare; ele pot fi filtrate cu ajutorulunui motor de cautare.Versiunea 2.0 include o noua sectiune, "Smart Selector", care vaajuta in alegerea produsului Samsung Smart potrivit pentrudumneavoastra.Live Smart 365Live Smart 365 is a Samsung application that promotes the smart useof technology in everyday life.The application contains 365 tips to use smart technology; withtheir help, the users also discover the utility of Samsung devices.The advises cover the 365 days of the year, calendar divided into 4categories and also provide additional information about Samsungproducts; they can be filtered by using a search engine.Version 2.0 has a new feature, "Smart Selector", which will helpyou choose the right Samsung Smart product, according to yourdesires.Live Smart 365Live Smart 365 is a Samsung application that promotes smart use oftechnology in everyday life.The application contains 365 tips to use smart technology, withwhich users discover useful device Samsung sites. The advice coversthe 365 days of the year, calendar divided into 4 categories andalso provides additional information about Samsung products; theycan be filtered by using a search engine.Version 2.0 includes a new section, "Smart Select", which will helpin choosing the right product for your Samsung Smart. Live Smart 365Live Smart 365 is a Samsung application That Promotes the smart useof technology in everyday life.The application contains 365 tips to use smart technology; withTheir help, the users Also discover the utility of Samsung devices.The advises cover the 365 days of the year, calendar Divided intofour categories and Also Provide additional information aboutSamsung products; THEY CAN BE Filtered by using a searchengine.Version 2.0 has a new feature, "Smart Select", Which Will help youchoose the right product Samsung Smart, According to yourdesires.
Dragobete 2.0.1
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Dragobete este prima aplicatie care transmite povestea traditieiromanesti.
B'ESTFEST Summer Camp 2013 1.2
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
The official Mobile App for theB’ESTFESTSummer Camp Festival held in Tunari, Bucharest. TheAndroidapplication powered by is your complete mobileguide forthe best possible festival experience. You can see thelatest news,artists, complete program, a list of all the activitiesyou canenjoy during the 3 days of festival and otherimportantinformation, all in your pocket. Download the app forfree, and youwill be prepared for the coolest party of thesummer.
City Compass Romania 1.0.2
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Get your Compass and make Romania yournewhome! City Compass is the only available applicationcreatedespecially for expatriates in Romania. City Compassoffersinformation & guides for expatriates, internationalcompaniesand foreign tourists. Download the application now anddiscoverRomania.If you are visiting Romania, moving to one of our cities orjustwant to take a closer look, get all the information you needfromCity Compass.You can find real-time updated events, articles and toursforBucharest and across the country, useful facts and tips tomakebeing in Romania a great experience.Visit our website now and download the app!
Vacante la raft 1.1.0
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Descoperă frumusețea țărilor de originealeproduselor tale preferate de la Penny Market!Dacă ai deja cardul de fidelitate de la Penny Market sau XXLMegaDiscount, poți să rezervi direct de pe telefon o vacanță devispentru tine și cei dragi.Alege dintr-o listă diversă vacanţe mari la preţuri mici.Tu de pe ce raft vrei să-ți alegi vacanța?
Visualife 1.0.1
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Visualife is a tool that helps youorganizeyour life around your photos. A lot of photos we take everyday areuseful or important on the long term but often get lostamonghundreds of other not so important ones.Visualife changes that and offers functions to organize,protectand add information to your photos. It offers categories,tags,comments, alerts and multiple import and share capabilitiesinorder for you to keep a good track of your documents,instantfindings, photo to-do lists, photo reminders, special accesscodesor other important information.Any content within the app can be password protected.You can actually organize everything around photos, becomemoreproductive and further enhance the role of your phone inyourpersonal and professional life. Empower your photos.
Make Change 2.0.5
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Aplicatia Make ChangeEste o aplicatie creata “cu suflet”, care-si propune sa strangaimpreuna oameni diferiti din domenii diferite, care impartasescaceleasi pasiuni, visuri si viziuni. Acestia pot propune sausustine proiectele in care cred si care au sansa sa faca oschimbare in bine atat pentru ei insisi, cat si pentru intreagacomunitate.Sunt 6 categorii in care fiecare utilizator isi poate inscrieproiectul, fiecare dintre ele fiind ulterior atribuite unui mentor.Acesta va deveni un sprijin si un ghid spre castigarea siimplementarea respectivul proiect.Odata intrati in aplicatie, cu ajutorul codului introdus,utilizatorii vor primi puncte pe care le vor putea folosi pentrua-si inscrie propriul proiect in categoria preferata sau pentru ale vota pe cele care li se par cele mai interesante.Categoriile in care se pot inscrie sau vota proiecte sunt:* ANTREPRENORIAT: pentru cei care cred ca pot face din pasiunilelor un job in sine, unul care sa le aduca satisfactii nu doar lor,ci intregii comunitati. Proiectele cu cele mai mari sanse de castigvor fi cele care in final vor reprezenta o alternativa a unuiserviciu curent sau un beneficiu real pentru comunitate.* COMUNITATE: In ziua de azi, multi (re)simt ca le lipseste ceva,in societatea sau comunitatea in care traiesc. Serviciile socialedinpartea companiilor publice sau private menite sa imbunatateascastilul de viata nu sunt pe deplin satisfacatoare. Astfel, inaceasta categorie, utilizatorii vor putea inscrie sau vota proiectemenite sa transforme comunitatea intr-un loc mai bun, unde oameniisa se poata intalni pentru a-si impartasi pasiunile sau pentru acrea lucruri care pot schimba comunitatea in bine. Sustinereainfiintarii unor astfel de locuri poate fi un proiectcastigator.* DIGITAL/TECH: Aceasta categorie este destinata celor care cautamereu moduri noi de a interactiona, de a se conecta, de a se distrasi de a fi delectati. Ei pot inscrie idei inovatoare prin care potdezvolta noi aplicatii, gadget-uri si alte instrumente digitalecare sa faca viata tuturor mai usoara.* ARTA VIZUALA: Cei care cred ca prin intermediul imaginilor(fotografie, pictura etc) ii pot bucura pe altii, isi pot inscrieproiectul in aceasta categorie. Un proiect castigator ar putea fiacela care ar face locurile unde se desfasoara viata denoapte/set-upurile de petreceri, mai atractive vizual.* ARTA GUSTULUI: Bucatarii sau barmanii care fac “acrobatii” infarfurii sau in pahare, isi pot prezenta ideile in aceastacategorie. Fanii lor sunt cei care sunt mereu pregatiti sa incercelucruri noi, de cel mai bun gust.* ARTA SUNETELOR: In aceasta categorie isi vor putea inscrieproiectele cei care aleg sa distreze lumea prin intermediulsunetelor, beat-urilor si mixurilor, cei care fac din oriceperformance o petrecere pe cinste.Make Change este aplicatia unde oamenii isi pot prezenta ideile,visurile si talentul, facandu-i si pe ceilalti sa creada in ei siproiectele lor.Mentori calificati in anumite domenii ii vor ghida si asista pentrua face ca ideile lor sa devina realitate. Nu se vor intamplalucruri pur si simplu, ci se va face o schimbare in/pentru lume: dela a transformatalentul intr-o sursa de venit sau comunitatea intr-un loc mai bunin care sa locuiesti si sa te simti bine, la a o aduce oimbunatatire a stilului curent de viata.
Biz Social Media Camp 2.0
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Aplicatia Biz Social Media Camp iti permitesaafli toate informatiile despre eveniment si te va tine la curentcudesfasurarea acestuia.
Flappy Bandit 1.0
Help the bandit to run with gold and avoidthetraps. Keep an eye to the fuel and don’t run out of lives.Collectthe goodies for boosters and watch out the unpleasantsurprises.Train yourself in easy mode, then get the fun in normalmode andtry the real challenge in hard mode.
KRUK Planner 1.0.4
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
KRUK Planner is the app that let you track the expenses andrevenues.
20Excellence 1.0.8
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Training Studio 20.
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
FITS2019-festival program, events, orientation directions, The treethat bestows
TomorrowME 1.2.0
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
TomorrowME e gândit ca să te ajute să iei una dintre cele maiimportante decizii
GPeC 1.1.2
Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
With GPeC mobile app you can: - check the updated schedule -addfavorites events to Calendar - find information about speakers-send questions to the event planners - have access to otherusefulinformation For 14 years, GPeC gathers around its eventstheeCommerce and Online Marketing Community in Romania and CEE. Wearesaid to be the most important eCommerce and Online Marketingeventin Romania and Eastern Europe - the only one that runs for 8monthseach year (from April to November). Under the GPeC umbrella,wehost two annual GPeC SUMMIT editions (in May and November)thatbring you Conferences, Applied Workshops, eCommerce ExpoandNetworking with the industry elite. Some of the bestinternationalspecialists in the industry have spoken over the yearsat GPeCSUMMIT, most of them for the first time in Romania:BryanEisenberg, Neil Patel, Chris Goward, Craig Sullivan, OliGardner,Larry Kim, Karl Gilis, Brian Dean, David Darmanin, GenoPrussakov,Alex Langshur, Daniel Waisberg, Marie Polli, ViljoVabrit, MatthewWoodward, Ivan Mazour, Simo Ahava, Daniel Dubin,Andre Morys, JohnEkman, Julian Harris, Amy Harrison , Todd 'Turbo'Watson, ManfredStadler, Jacob Kildebogaard - are just a few ofthem.